Institute for the History of Medicine
The Institute for the History of Medicine (IGM), located in Stuttgart, is a unique research facility. It is part of the Bosch Health Campus which was founded by the Robert Bosch Foundation in 2022. The IGM includes a large specialized library with more than 12.000 volumes on the history of homeopathy and more than 65,000 publications on the history of medicine, as well as a homeopathy archive which preserves the estate of Samuel Hahnemann as well as important disciples and successors, especially Clemens von Bönninghausen. This archive also contains the records of national and international homeopathic organisations. Accordingly, one of the focus areas of the IGM is the history of homeopathy and pluralism in medicine. Another focus is the history of nursing.
Since 2020, the IGM serves as the main archive of the Robert Bosch Stiftung and all institutions linked to it, such as Robert Bosch Hospital (Robert-Bosch-Krankenhaus), Dr. Margarete Fischer-Bosch-Institute for Clinical Pharmacology, Robert Bosch Academy, German School Academy, UWC Robert Bosch College and International Alumni Center. It is tasked with preserving and maintaining the legacy of Robert Bosch in all its aspects and with all its facilities. (IGM-Archivordnung)
New Releases
Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte (MedGG), Jahrgang 41, 2023
Hahnemanns Hausapotheken Seine Praxis der Arzneimittelanwendung anhand von Schriften und erhaltenen Arzneien
Kommentarband zu den Krankenjournalen D20 und D21 (PDF)
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