Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte (MedGG)

"Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte" (MedGG, literally “Medicine, Society and History”) sees itself as the publication organ of the IGM, in which articles on its main topics are published. Following on from archived material, these primarily include essays on the history of alternative healing methods, especially homeopathy, and on the social history of medicine in general. Contributions can be submitted all year round and are subject to a peer review process.
Publisher: Dr. phil. Marion Baschin
Editor: Dr. phil. Pierre Pfütsch

The magazine is published once a year (1 volume of 256 pages, paperback) by Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart. If you have any questions about a subscription, please contact the publisher.

If certain essays published in the MedGG are searched, please use the OPAC of the library. The exact search description can be found there on the start page.

A backlist back to the year 2000, clearly arranged and searchable in fulltext can be found on the website of Franz Steiner Verlag (e-Library).